How to Improve Airflow in Your Sunrise, FL Home

October 14, 2022

No matter what time of year it is, you want your home to be a comfortable haven from the elements. But to make sure your house is always at the perfect temperature, you need to have good airflow. If not, your home will feel stuffy and stagnant. Here are a few tips on how to improve your airflow in Sunrise, FL:

Use an Air Purifier

One of the easiest ways to improve airflow in your home is to use an air purifier. Air purifiers help remove airborne contaminants like dust, pollen and pet dander from the air, making it easier for your HVAC system to circulate fresh, clean air in every room.

Schedule Air Duct Cleaning Service Regularly

Another easy way to improve airflow in your home is to have your air ducts cleaned regularly. A dirty air duct will restrict airflow and make your system work harder than needed. We recommend scheduling air duct cleaning service every few years.

Use Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a great way to improve airflow in your home because they help circulate the air in a room. This is especially helpful during the warmer months when you want to move the air around to make your home feel cooler. In cooling season, ensure ceiling fans rotate counterclockwise. In heating season, ensure they rotate clockwise.

Open Your Windows

Whenever the weather permits, open up your windows to let fresh air into your home. This will help improve the airflow and also help keep your home from feeling stuffy.

By following these tips, you can improve the airflow in your home and make it more comfortable all year round. Whenever you need professional HVAC services, be sure to call our team of experts at Cool Running Air. We’re here to help residents of Sunrise, FL, and we offer 24/7 emergency service.

Image provided by iStock

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